"Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid"

Friday, February 23, 2007

Nonbinding Congress

It makes me upset to find that the House passed a "non binding" opposing the President's plan to send 21,500 troop to Iraq. Congress gave the President power to fight the war in Iraq and after public opinion of the war starts to sway they change their mind about the whole ordeal. Congress has the power to cut funding for the war and in that way force troops to withdraw. However they don't want to be responsible for anything that might happen if our troops are in fact withdrawn. So they pass a "non binding" resolution so they can announce their dislike of what is going on but not take responsibility for anything. Whether you are for or against the war is irrelevant. Don't try to have it both ways while laying all the responsibility with the Executive Branch. If you really don't like what is going on then use your constitutional power by cutting the purse strings. Don't sit there and say "we don't agree with it but you keep doing it because we don't want to be responsible for what might happen".

The author would like to say that he supports President's Bush efforts in Iraq. Of course things could of been handled better but that is the past and we must work on improving the future. We can't cut and run because the consequences would be to great.


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