"Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid"

Monday, February 20, 2006

Looking Back from the Future

I know that I have about 2.5 semesters left of college. On some days I can't wait to get our of here and live on my own, but other days I realize that I need to enjoy college as much as I can while I'm here. I know that for the rest of my life I'm going to look back at these years and want to go back to them, but will be unable to do so. Somedays I think back to High School and remember all the good things that happened during that time period and how I'm now done with it. I guess when looking back you usually remember all the good things and forgot about all the bad things like going to class and other responsibilities. I know I will enjoy my last year (as well as the rest of this semester), it will be sad when its all done. Sad but exciting.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Xbox (What else do I talk about?)

I got my Xbox 360 back today. They didnt have the box in their records as of friday so they told me to call back monday or tuesday with an update. Today I received by box, very informed ship they run over there. They sent me a repalcement box this time (with none of the extras I received last time), so I played a little Hexic to celebrate and I have my friend playing Zuma. He is unbelievable at it, so you might see my gamertag on the leaderboard here soon, I'll let you know soon if that happens.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Xbox Update

2 weeks after intially arranging the service order I received the box. I sent it in and they received it on monday morning according to UPS. As of wednesday though the Xbox Service center did not have the box in their system as being received. Apparently there was a Mexico holiday ( the center is in Texas) so they did not work on monday (the actual repair people, not the phone lines). So I will call tommorow and inquire once again, 3 weeks now after my inital call to see what the status is on my box. Its upsetting, I'm just waiting for the warrenty to expire and then have it break because I don't really believe in the quality of the product. Maybe, I can convince them to give me an extended warrenty for free for all my troubles...doubt it. Plus I would not force the issue much. I would ask, they would proably say no and I would be like...ok, bye.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Xbox 360 Anger

As you know I called in a service order on my xbox 360 almost two weeks ago. After waiting for a week for my box(which is suppose to be overnighted) I finally called. They said my order had been cancled but could provide no reason for it. So I told them I wanted to make a new repair order then, so they set that up. Right before the conversation was over I asked what address they were going to send it to. They replied they were going to send it to my home address. I made it clear and confirmed to the first lady that I wanted it sent to college(where I am, 4 hours from home), so I told them to change it. My battery on my phone died in the middle of the call so I called later that night and asked to confrim that the address had been changed. The guy did not know what to look at and initally quoted me my home address again. After being on hold and then being transfered I was finally told that yes, it was being sent to my college address. On tuesday I thought my box should of been here by now since I had called on friday. So I called and they said it had shipped that day, why so late I don't know but whatever. I get a call from my mom today. THEY SENT THE BOX TO MY HOUSE. Despite my many attempts to make sure it was sent here.

You would think they would have a file of all the times I've called them(over 20) in the past couple of months and that they would have my correct information. I've never talked to the same person twice when calling so it is annoying to explain the situation every single time. I've been put on hold for proably a total time of over an hour. I'm not sure if they need better record keeping, better employees, or a better system in place. They need a better something though.

The only reason they have my home address is because I needed to have them send my xbox to me at home over winter break when it broke the first time. So I called today and tried to fix the situation. They apologized and I was put on hold for quite some time why they tried to confirm with supervisor that everything was going ok. I had a group meeting to get to so I told them I would call them back later. The lady said that she had added a comment to my order so that whoever I talked to would know what was going on. Well that did not seem to be the case. Initially the guy said my home address again and I had to tell him to change it and then I asked him where it would now be shipped. Which he said it would be shipped here, I'll believe that when I see it.

I don't get mad on the phone. I don't have it in me to yell at people, but I like to vent when I'm off the phone. I will proably end up writing a nice letter to them. I did mention to her that I was paying for my xbox live every month and I've been unable to play my xbox 360 so I've been paying for nothing. She told me to call when my Xbox was fixed and bring up that issue then. Something needs to be done about this. Even though I won the xbox and last time I got some free stuff(proably on accident) I still get mad that it does not work. Right now I've won an expensive paper weight. I'll keep all of my readers updated.