"Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid"

Monday, December 05, 2005

Lucky Me

I always get shit from my friends whenever something lucky happens to me. "Oh Drew you are so lucky" they rant. Ok so it is true that I did win $600 on a scratch lottery ticket last summer. Yes I did just win an Xbox 360 from the every10minutes.com promotion. Even though these are great events in my life they don't happen everday. You don't see all the scratch lottery tickets that I buy that don't win or the hours of dumpster diving that was done to find enough caps to win the xbox. I always tell them to buy a lottery ticket or "gamble" with some sort of contest. You can't win if you don't play. You could try a hundred different things and only win onnce (if your lucky). So I urge all you guys out there to gamble a little. Don't bet the farm on something but take that monetary risk every once in awhile ( I mean like a couple bucks on a scratch lottery ticket or once a year take $100 to a casino and have some fun). Maybe luck will stop by someday.

I thought this would be an adequate first post to my blog. I hope that I can develop a reader base that will find what I have to say to be of interest. Thank you for you time and I hope you visit again.


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